Wednesday, April 12, 2006

they at least deserve our concern and empathy
we,...most of us have our pets (or maybe had, as did i)
Lee has Mojo
my neighbours have snoopy
i had Terra once, and before her there was Sash and Tan and Missy, Butterscotch, Smokey, Tiger and Champ
i miss all my dear pets
the Toronto Humane society called me this week, wanting me to double my monthly donation, as this is the spring birthing season and the shelter receives hundreds!! of unwanted, stray and abandonned cats and dogs each month!
ok, i'm done for, i want to help them all,....even at the farm i could not care for a brood like this
but in my heart i so want to!...i want us to care...
and yet, is it hopeless...when over and over and over as i read people's blogs i see how we are all so heart-broken, so untrusting, so sad, so judging of others....and we are all guilty of this...all of us...there are no saints here...
so why do we love our pets is their unconditional love for us that sustains us? i felt that unconditional love for a while...for a short while, it seems i could do little wrong...but then it seemed i could do little right....from pedestal to grave i went in short order...
now i must resurrect appropriate at this time of year...we must all be like the phoenix...rise from the ashes of love funeral pyres and find a way to make things better...
i truly believe it will come from this....from all of us giving love outward that some will find it way back into our hearts...
so to the abandonned and lonely pets out there....i pray for you that your masters find their way back to you....
for all of us broken-hearted lonely folk, may we find it in our hearts to love as unconditionally as our pets have shown us

World Society for the Protection of Animals
WSPA – Canada

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