Thursday, February 23, 2006


Action Team Bulletin - Winter 2006

from WSPA
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Action Team Bulletin
Winter 2006
It’s been a while since you last received an Action Team Bulletin from WSPA but we hope you are still willing to help the animals by writing letters. Every letter and phone call can make a difference!
1. Help WSPA improve the lives of captive wildlife
Legislation is needed to raise the standard of care in Ontario zoos

Ontario stands out as the worst jurisdiction in Canada when it comes to ensuring the proper care of captive wildlife. With few regulations in place, the province makes it far too easy for residents to collect wild animals and house them in small ramshackle cages. There are now more than 40 zoos in Ontario and the majority of these are substandard facilities.

Roadside zoos typically house animals in poor, barren conditions, offering little more than food and water bowls and a shelter box to sleep in. Most of these zoos lack trained professional animal care staff and the financial resources necessary to ensure adequate care and housing.

Deprived of opportunities to behave naturally, animals at these zoos show symptoms of psychological disturbance, boredom and frustration.

WSPA is asking the Ontario government to implement new regulations which would force all zoos to operate at a professional standard or be closed.

Though a permit is needed to keep some native wildlife in captivity, there are very few conditions to abide by. Surprisingly, no permit at all is required to keep exotic wildlife such as tigers and monkeys in captivity though 2/3 of the animals kept in Ontario zoos are not native to the province. As well, there are no regulations to ensure the safe keeping of potentially dangerous animals to protect the public.

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has been considering the need for new zoo standards since 1988! Since they are clearly dragging their feet on this issue, WSPA has requested a review of Ontario’s captive wildlife regulations and lack thereof under the Environmental Bill of Rights. The MNR is obliged to consider the need for a review based on arguments made in our application and the level of public interest in this issue. We urgently need supporters to write letters to show that this issue is a matter of significant public interest. Please do this today - the animals can’t wait.

Please ask the Ontario Government to implement zoo regulations that apply to all wildlife, native and exotic, and protects both the animals and the public.

Letters can be sent to:

Hon. Dalton McGuinty,
Premier of Ontario
Rm 281, Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A4
Tel: 416-325-1941 Fax: 416-325-7578 Email:

Please send copies of your letter to the Minister of Natural Resources who is responsible for issuing permits to zoos that keep native wildlife (no permit is needed to keep exotic wildlife in zoos).

Hon. David Ramsay
Ministry of Natural Resources
6630 - 99 Wellesley St W, 6th Floor, Whitney Block
Toronto ON M7A 1W3
Tel: 416-314-2301 Fax: 416-314-2216 Email:

Despite several reports of zoo visitors being bitten and clawed and animals escaping from their cages, no Ministry has accepted responsibility for the health and public safety risks inherent in these facilities. Tell the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services that there must be strict regulations for keeping dangerous wildlife in captivity to ensure the public’s safety.

Hon. Monte Kwinter
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
25 Grosvenor St, 18th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 1Y6
Tel: 416-325-0408 Fax: 416-325-6067 Email:

Please also send a letter (or copies of the above letters) to your Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P). Your M.P.P. will only speak for the animals if their constituents demand them to. To find your M.P.P.’s contact information, visit:

Zoo complaint?
If you recently visited a zoo and have concerns about an animal that is suffering, please file a complaint with your local SPCA office. You can find a directory for the different Ontario SPCA branches at: or by phoning them at: 1-888-ONT-SPCA.

2. Please call and email Tristan & America and tell them to go fur free!

Global Action Network (G.A.N) recently convinced Jacob and Bedo, retail chains with a combined total of 218 stores across Canada, to go fur free. Now they are targeting Tristan & America, a men and women's wear retailer that is selling rabbit fur. Tristan & America's rabbit fur jackets are made in China where there are no animal welfare laws.

Please contact Tristan & America as soon as possible and urge them to go fur free. Tell them fur is cruel and you will not shop at their stores until they stop selling it. Mention that you will tell all your friends and family to do the same. Feel free to elaborate in your own words. And if you can spare the time, please call and will have a much greater impact!

Gilles Fortin, CEO - Tristan & America
20 Des Seigneurs St.
Montreal, QC
H3K 3K3

Tel.: (514) 937-4601
Fax: (514) 935-1233

Here are some points to consider to make your letters more effective:

Ø Personalize your letter! This will set it apart from the rest. A letter reflecting your personal views carries more weight than a pre-written fax or a signature on a petition.
Ø Ask a direct question and request a written response.
Ø Keep your letter short (preferably 1 page), be specific and stick to the facts! Displaying anger or resentment in a letter will only make it easier to ignore.
Ø Along with writing the Ministers responsible for a particular issue, it is very important to keep your government representative (M.P.P.’s and M.P.’s) informed of the issues you care about. Your local members of provincial and federal parliament are most concerned with what their constituents have to say. If you can get a group of people in your community to write letters too, you will have a better chance of receiving a positive response.
For more information please contact Melissa at WSPA:
Tel: (416) 369-0044, Toll Free 1-800-363-9772 or email

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